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This should come as no real shock, business is stressful and can take it's toll on you.  Emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding pressures of running a business make the entrepreneur dull and foggy very fast.  Unless you are regularly engaging in activity to strengthen your mind, it will soon lose sharpness and execution.

So how do you do it?  Crosswords, books, meditation?  All helpful, but there is one form of mental sharpening that many do not know about or even think about - neurofeedback.  

Using ever advancing computer technology and small sensors to the scalp, neurofeedback actually reads the brain activity through EEG and then using sound, sends signals back to the brain to balance and train the mental process.  We know, it sounds crazy and far out, but it is so every day that the PGA, NBA, and NFL have all started using it.  The PGA has utilized neurofeedback to help golfers increase their mind body connection and mental focus.  

"High performance professional and athletes find their enhanced ability to both relax and focus means they can “be in the moment” without stressing about what happened in the past, or what could happen in the future. In addition, the release of tension means athletes suffer fewer sore muscles and recover from injuries more quickly.  This same lack of tension allows business professionals to remain focused and driven in times of stress. “Gio Valiante, a sports psychologist to a number of top golfers including Justin Leonard and Chris Dimarco, says neurofeedback will one day be the norm for PGA Tour pros.” according to a Wall Street Journal article." (Adams, R. From the World Cup to youth tennis, a training fad emerges: the science of finding the one. Wall Street Journal, July 29, 2006, P1.)

High performance entrepreneurs are no different than golfers in their need for sharp mental focus and execution of decision making.  I will often get asked, "what throws the brain out of balance? Isn't it just there doing its job?"  Yes it is and its job is the monitor and regulate every system in the body every minute of every day without a stop.  Can you imaging driving your car non stop and never getting a tune up, or how about a long washboard road with potholes and never checking your alignment?  That is what daily life and stress are like to the brain.  Throw in a few potholes and see what happens.  The brain has to constantly shift, adapt, adjust to the stressors we subject ourselves to.  Unless you have learned a good way to re=balance and hone the mental pathways, it is bound to get knocked out of alignment.

What about physical trauma, like a mild concussion or hit to the head playing racquetball or a game of basketball.  Listed below are some of the symptoms that are most commonly associated with a mild head injury. Of course you do not need to have all of the symptoms that are listed for a diagnosis of MTBI. Symptoms vary depending on the severity of injury and the parts of the brain that are injured. You will want to determine, has there been an increase in symptoms like these following a whiplash, concussion, or mild head injury?

Common Symptoms Associated With MTBI

  • Difficulty figuring out how to do new things.
  • Being disorganized in your approach to problems.
  • Having difficulty completing activities in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Being slow to learn new things.
  • Becoming easily frustrated, irritable, and having outbursts of anger or rage.
  • Problems with word finding (remembering the right word to say).
  • Hypersensitivity to light or sound.
  • Problems with concentration and being easily distracted.
  • Spacing out and losing your train of thought.
  • Problems with short-term memory.
  • Becoming more forgetful.
  • Increased frequency of headaches.
  • Increased impulsiveness, impatience, risk taking, rudeness, or social impropriety.
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia type symptoms: mental fogginess, difficulties getting restorative sleep, diverse pain.
  • Problems with physical balance, dizziness, tremor, clumsiness, or incontinence.
  • Having difficulty in being able to be flexible in changing plans or switching from one activity to another.
  • Problems reading letters and words.
  • Difficulty in understanding what others are saying.
  • Confusion in telling right from left, or with puzzles.
  • Getting lost easily.
  • Being fidgety and having difficulty remaining seated.
  • Going from one activity to another without finishing tasks or projects.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Difficulty with speech, language, or math skills.
  • Seizures.
  • Sensory problems with: vision, hearing, taste, smell, sensation.
  • Emotional difficulties (depression, fear, nightmares).

Following a concussion or head injury, emergency room physicians commonly order CAT scans or MRI's to rule out serious injuries. Unfortunately, these scans usually don't reveal mild to moderate damage because they are examining only the structure of the brain and not how the brain is functioning. Therefore, as we have indicated, the subsequent MTBI symptoms may not be taken seriously or be attributed to the head injury. (

Finding a reputable center to provide brain training is easy. has a list of trainers around the world at their website.  We use and recommend in Pocatello Idaho.  

Regardless of the trainer, staying in peak mental performance is crucial to navigate the chaos of managing your own business. 

Just like SteadyTide has honed and sharpened the business management and CRM needs of your business, neurofeedback can hona and sharpen your mental agility to maximize every possible niche of your market. 

By Brett M. Judd MSW Follow him at Google + at Google

Working to ensure a Steady Tide of Profits and Success.


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